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Why Photos Are Magic

Writer's picture: Claire ChampionClaire Champion

Images are with all of us, most of the time. Specifically photos of our nearest and dearest, from years ago and present day. I personally have found myself looking more at printed photos as well as ones on my phone recently. Looking at these images has made me appreciate them, and so I wrote a poem to express this newly found appreciation.


I hope you enjoy reading my poem. If it resonates with you, please feel free to give me feedback in the comments section below. In the meantime, happy reading and photo-viewing.

Why Photos Are Magic


A natural pose or a fun

thrown-together ad hoc shot.

A scenic landscape, an

image you almost deleted.

They are all enclosed

in photos – some printed.

Others on a reel on your

phone, where views are repeated.


Your loved ones captured,

smiling, peering, maybe frowning.

Each person frozen in frame,

their expressions are priceless.

Maybe you caught yourself

off-guard, when you looked

and absorbed the scene,

reflected at you, timeless.


There must be an infinite

collection of photos, stored

all around the globe.

Some treasured, some hidden.

They cradle the culture

and the essence of the era,

in which they were taken.

Relaying many stories written.


To view these stories in

an act of remembrance,

or just a casual flick of

the album and its pages.

It is to breathe in the air

of the party, the room,

the wedding, or sports event

attended through the ages.


It could be seen as therapy

to sit amongst the memories,

And let the emotions flood

your heart, your eyes, your mind.

A special soothing invisible

hand, as you relive the action.

In times of heartache, then you

can leave the sadness behind.


A picture will remain, as a

moment has long since melted.

A pair of eyes will hold the magic

which flows into eternity.

We can be reminded of times,

we can be transported back.

So much we can take from the

source, with joy and certainty.

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